
June 24, 2013

Installing OS X Applications from the command line

1. SSH to the workstation
2. Mount the disk image (.dmg) file by using the hdiutil
     "hdiutil mount application.dmg"
3. Navigate to the folder that was mounted in the previous command. (Should be inside /Volumes)
     "cd /Volumes/application/"
4. Use the installer application to install the package
     "sudo installer -pkg application.pkg -target LocalSystem"
5. Unmount the disk image

     "hdiutil umount "/Volumes/application/"

June 3, 2013

Advanced Google Search Tips

Google is an indispensable tool for IT professionals looking for assistance troubleshooting tech issues. Below are a few handy google search techniques i use on a regular basis to help find relevant search results quickly.

1. Search for keywords within a specific site.
Google: dog

2. Search based on File Type
Google: linux introduction filetype:ppt

3. Exclude a word from searches by adding a dash (-) before a word
Google: jaguar speed -car

4. Include similar words by adding a tilde sign (~)
Google: ~food facts

5. Search for website title
Google: intitle: jaguar

6. Access Blocked or Unavailable websites using Google Cache

7. Search within a range of numbers
Google: cars 30..50 mpg