
November 14, 2012

Using John the Ripper to crack Ubuntu passwords

John the Ripper is a password cracker that can be used to uncover weak passwords on systems on your network. Starting with Ubuntu 9.10 John the Ripper fails to crack passwords because it does not support sha-512 encryption. Below are the steps i used to add sha-512 support to John the Ripper so that you can test the password strength of your newer Ubuntu systems.

1. Download the source for John the Ripper from

2. Extract the tar file with the following command:
tar -xzvf john-1.7.9.tar.gz

3. Open the john-1.7.9/src/Makefile and append "-lcrypt" to line "LDFLAGS = -s"


4. Create a new file called "crypt_fmt.c" and paste the following code into it. Save the file in john-1.7.9/src/

November 4, 2012

My path to passing VCP-510 exam

Today i took the VMWare VCP-510 exam and PASSED, so i felt i should give a brief overview of my thoughts on the exam before starting on the VCAP-DCA.

Initially i started studying for the ESXi 4 exam by purchasing the Mastering vSphere 4 book by Scott Lowe. Once vSphere 5 came out i was able to get my employer to send me to the class and i shifted my focus to vSphere 5. I attended the Global Knowledge Install, Configure, & Manage class to get started. This class alone will not help you pass the exam, i felt the class was more of a this is what vSphere is type of class. After that class i purchased Scotte Lowe's Mastering vSphere 5 and began studying. This book was very thorough and quickly became a reference for me when i was unsure about something i read from other sources. Next i purchased the Sybex VCP5 book to get more focus on what to expect on the exam. This book was pretty good in testing different concepts and i would recommend. In addition to this book i received a free copy of vSphere 5.1 Clustering Deep Dive at VMWorld in San Francisco so i started using this to learn more about HA. The only other sources i used were VMWare official Documentation and i found completed VCP Blueprints in PDF format that i was browse through from time to time. I believe one of the biggest things that helped me was the fact that i was able to setup a complete lab environment with old equipment at work. Having a test environment to practice was critical in my success. Overall i spent Approximately 3 months studying for this exam. I think i was as prepared as i could have been to take the exam so i went ahead and signed up.

For obvious reason i can't go into details about the exam, but i will try to describe what i can. Overall i think the exam was fair, however there were a few questions that i felt had multiple options. I passed the exam but i think i could have done much better if there weren't so many pick 2, pick 3 type questions. I hate those questions because even if i get 2 of the 3 correct the whole question is marked wrong. Once i got to the last questions i was pretty confident i passed and was relieved when i say CONGRATULATIONS on the screen. Hopefully in another 3-4 months i will be able to post a "My path to passing the VCAP-DCA exam".