
May 27, 2013

Connecting to a wireless network from OS X command line.

Connecting to a wireless network from OS X command line.

The 'networksetup' utility is very powerful for making network changes to an OS X workstation. Below is the syntax for connecting a machine to a wireless network from the command line.

$networksetup -setairportnetwork Airport [router SSID] [password]

Additional Resources:

May 20, 2013

Take photos with FaceTime Camera from command line in OS X

Take photos with FaceTime Camera from command line in OS X

Have you ever wanted to snap a photo with your FaceTime camera from the command line in OS X? Now with the help of a small program called ImageSnap you can.

  1. Download ImageSnap LINK
  2. unzip the file using tar -xvf imagesnap.tar
  3. run the imagesnap 
  4. It will create a file called snapshot.jpg

May 13, 2013

Hide or UnHide files or folders from OS X Finder

Hide or UnHide files or folders from OS X Finder

You can use the chflags command to make a file or folder invisible to the OS X GUI

To hide a file:
$ chflags hidden file.txt

To unhide a file
$ chflags nohidden file.txt

May 8, 2013

Use caffeinate to prevent OS X from sleeping

Use caffeinate to prevent OS X from sleeping

OS X Mountain Lion includes a new tool called Caffeinate to allow you to to prevent a machine from going to sleep.

To temporarily disable sleep:

To prevent the machine from sleeping for 4 hours
$caffeinate -t 144000

Additional Resources:

May 6, 2013

Installing PGP Whole Disk Encryption on Linux Workstations

Note: This installation was tested on Ubuntu 10.04 64bit with PGP WDE Version, 10.2.0 Build 2233.

1. Open the terminal and issue the following command:
                - "chmod +x pgp_desktop_10.2.0.2233_linux_ub10.04_x86_64.bsx"
2. Open the terminal and issue the following command:
                - "sudo ./ pgp_desktop_10.2.0.2233_linux_ub10.04_x86_64.bsx "
3. Press enter to read the license
4. Type "y" to agree to the terms of the license.
5. Reboot the workstation

Configuring Whole Disk Encryption
1. Make sure the username of the logged in linux user is the exact same as the domain username.
2. Open a terminal
3  Issue the following command to configure PGP to point to your PGP Universal Server
            - sudo pgpconfigure "ovid=&mail=*&admin=1"
4. Reboot the workstation
5. Login as the user that needs to enroll and issue the following command.
           - pgpenroll --enroll (Note: Do not use sudo)
6. When prompted for a username type you Domain credentials
7. And you should see output similar to the screen below.

8. Now reboot the workstation and you should be presented with the grey bootguard.
9. Type your password and hit enter.
10. Once you load the desktop open the terminal
11. To verify whole disk encryption is enabled run the following commands.
                "pgpwde --status"

12. The output should confirm that the disk is either encrypted or in process of encrypting.